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TecFutures notes with considerable interest that international security technology group Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) has acquired MECOMO AG, a specialist in tracking and tracing solutions. The move recognizes the increasing importance of IoT asset tracking and is a complement to G+D’s acquisition of Pod Group, the enterprise network operator in IoT who are also active in this vertical.

So what is happening in the asset tracking market at present? TecFutures recent survey of IoT CSPs looked at the importance of multiple IoT verticals in terms of market size and revenue currently and where their priorities lie in terms of growth and revenue potential over the next 12 to 24 months.

One key observation from the survey is that asset tracking is becoming more of a focus for IoT CSPs and its ranking in the top ten IoT verticals will increase from ninth to sixth place in terms of growth and revenue potential for IoT CSPs.

We can start to dig into the detail a little more. Our survey data shows that asset tracking is increasing its importance score from 7.4 to 7.9 (on a scale of 1 to 10) over the next 12 to 24 months and reflects the increasing interest in the sector. By volume, it is an important sector for CSPs, but this figure does not tell the whole story. It is of higher future importance to MVNOs (8.2) to MNOs (7.7) indicating that MVNOs are likely to be pushing their presence in this market. In terms of type of operator, regional CSPs see a greater importance that either global or single country organizations.

Geographically, the top three regions will be Europe, Asia Pacific and North America which potentially represents more developed markets in these regions. Europe represents the largest shift in importance between asset tracking currently and its future potential as there is a more marked difference in both Western and Central Europe in terms of importance. North America shows less of a shift potentially indicating that is already a more developed market.

G+D has certainly recognized the need for increased presence in asset tracking and its acquisition of MECOMO builds its strength in IoT further. MECOMO AG has a track record of providing IoT solutions to leading logistics companies in Central Europe and compliments the G+D portfolio of IoT solutions in key growth markets.

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