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There is a lot of noise in the IoT world surrounding private networks, and TecFutures recognizes that enterprises find the ability to have private networks a highly attractive proposition.

So what are IoT CSPs offering around private networks at present? Clearly they see private networks as a significant part of their IoT offering and this importance will only grow over time. But private networks represent a market that is still only emerging.

The reality of private networks does not currently match the hype from the CSP perspective. In the TecFutures IoT CSP survey, we find that just 11% of the CSPs surveyed are currently offering private networks and the figure is only a little higher for MVNOs at 13%. It appears that it is the larger global and regional players who are driving this market, with only 8% single country CSPs currently offering a private network solution – which could be explained by the complexity of the offering.

Suppliers should recognise that guidance and education are critical if they want to maximize opportunities in the private network space and should refine their approach to current and future customers.

Need to understand the enterprise perspective? TecFutures understands the emerging tech and IoT space. We apply custom research to help build competitive advantage for global technology players from outstanding analysis of digital opportunity and transformation in the Enterprise. Get in touch to ask more. Follow TecFutures, reach out Phil Todd or Andrew Parkin-White for a chat about how we can help through our custom research and go-to-market solutions.

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